World BreastFeeding Week

 World BreastFeeding Week 

By - Simran Sharma

          World breastfeeding was started on 1992 .It was started to generate awareness regarding breastfeeding.People are not very much aware of the benefits of breastfeeding and this is all because people do not want to talk about this.It was started to motivate people to create awareness .Every year ,1st august to 7th august  this week is celebrated as Breastfeeding week all over the world.

The theme for 2021 is "Protect Breastfeeding : A Shared Responsibility "

Mother's milk is very important for new born babies because mother's milk works as antibodies.A baby should not be given water or any other food till 6 months except mothers milk.Mother's milk is important because it protects the baby from pneumonia ,diarrheo ,etc.

A Study says that breastfeeding reduces the risk of maternal postparum diabetes.South Korean  Research finds that breastfeeding helps in producing insulin secreting pancreatic beta cells and serotonin .
Breastfeeding reduces the risk of ovarian cancer ,breast cancer in womens.
Breastfeeding is very important for the mother and the child.
