Basic Concept of Media and Politics

Written by:-Vishwananda Bargah

27 June 2022.

The word media refers to any form of communique that ensures information. Common media shops embody newspapers, radio, television, and magazines, and the net property includes blogs or online guides. Today, social media is a term that many people are acquainted with. This describes statistics allotted on social networking websites. the motive of the media is to provide facts about modern statistics, gossip, style, and the present-day gadgets in the marketplace of human beings. The media of today is playing an outstanding role in creating and shaping public opinion and strengthening society. Any media intended for a larger audience is called mass media. The media is the watchdog of society. Mass media helps to transmit heritage and cultural values.

Media and Politics

First, Politicians who know how to use the media as a tool have the upper hand to influence the public. They use media to develop a brand/image to connect with the country. The Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate is someone who did the same. It was the first time a presidential debate was broadcasted on television. People who were listening to the debate on the radio thought Nixon had such a good argument that he was a sure win. 

Second, residents, citizens or public opinion collect some element from the media that influences what they apprehend approximately the area and the way they don't forget it. 

Third, Mass media - print and electronic - has played a major role in society as it is a primary source of information for the public. This role comes with the power to influence public opinion. 
