Why do some people think global warming is not real?

Written by:- Sharanya Gawde

24 June 2022.

First of all, let’s understand global warming. When the average temperature of the earth increases, it is known as global warming. This phenomenon happens due to the activities of humans. Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and these gases trap the sun’s warmth which causes an increase in surface and air temperature. 

One reason why people do not believe that climate change is real is because they do not want to understand how the complex system of the earth works! Many variables of the climate depend on each other and affect each other constantly. So, different regions in the world will react differently to climate change. Just because the changes are not prevalent in a certain area doesn't mean that it is not real. 

Another main reason why some people think global warming is not real is because of their own ignorance. Acknowledging global warming would mean bringing change into your lifestyle and day-to-day activities. These changes can be expensive and uncomfortable and results may be visible only after many years. Ignorance and scepticism towards global warming is the most dangerous reason for people not believing that global warming is not real. 

Global warming is increasing at an unprecedented rate and it is an emergency which threatens the entire planet. Without significant effort from everyone, combating climate change seems almost impossible. We must take action and educate those around us immediately!
