Is sun exposure good or bad for us? Let’s know about it !


Sun Exposure : The Good and The Bad.

We all know almost everything about the bright luminous star that brightens our life everyday. The Sun is a perfect Ball of hot plasma which radiates visible light, ultraviolet and infrared radiation. 

Is Sun Exposure good or bad for us ?

                                       •The Good •

• Sunlight boosts a chemical called serotonin in our body and this helps us to stay calm, positive and more focused.  People with mild depression are advised to sit in the morning sunlight for sometime. 

•Sunlight alters the level of molecule Nitric oxide(NO) in our skin and blood which helps in reducing blood pressure.

•As we know sunlight is rich in Vitamin D this helps in reducing the risk of Breast, colon, prostate and lung cancer.

•As mentioned above, the abundant Vitamin D in sunlight strengthens our bones and joints.

•When we are exposed to sunlight our body stops producing Melatonin ( the chemical which helps us to sleep). So stock up a lot of Melatonin during the day and use that at night to get a good quality sleep.

•Sunlight helps in healing skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and also proves beneficial for people suffering from arthritis.

•Make sure you sit in the morning  sunlight for 15-20 minutes daily 

                                   • The Bad •

•Excess sunlight can cause wrinkles, age spots, dull and leathery skin. As the sun damages the collagen present in our skin.

•Sun stroke due to prolonged exposure can be fatal in some cases. The symptoms include dizziness, nausea,  thirst and weakness.

•Overtime sun Exposure causes tanning and severe sunburn. It is very important to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen before stepping out in the sun. 

•When we are out in the sun our body feels hot and this causes our body fluids to rush to the surface of the body to cool it down. This causes extreme fatigue and tiredness.

Excess sunlight can cause skin cancer. 

It is a fact that excess of anything is bad so keep in mind to devote not more than 15 minutes to sunlight for a healthy life and never forget to wear sunscreen.

