" 'Me?biased?' Unconscious bias is like jealousy; nobody likes to admit it,and often we are unaware of it" 

Unconscious racism or bias is a learned stereotype about certain groups of people that are formed outside of conscious awareness. In simple words, favouring those who have similar backgrounds or interests.  Example: a hiring manager prefers a job applicant who also grew up in the same city. 

Unconscious bias or racism is triggered by our brain automatically making quick judgements and . It is automatic, unintentional, deeply organized in our belief. It can be favourable or unfavourable which form the basis of positive and negative impression on others. 

Example in a social context be: dividing players in a soccer match, a caption unintentionally chooses players of a racial background similar to their own. 

“We are living in a racism pandemic. Racism is associated with a host of psychological consequences, including depression, anxiety, and other serious, sometimes debilitating conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders. Moreover, the stress caused by racism can contribute to development of cardiovascular and other physical diseases. 

Confronting Racist Conditioning?

To confront racism in ourselves and continue positive cultural change, our biggest challenge is to see it.

Self Awareness and Exploration

To fight racism, it is important to explore your own multicultural makeup and examine how it influences your beliefs, behaviours and values around you.

Learn about Race

We explore our own personal experiences around race, we also must become more educated. For example, understanding the operation and impact of oppression on human development (racism, classism, sexism, homophobism).

Do Something Differently 

Talk to friends, family, and colleagues about race and how it affects their lives. Ask questions. Challenge your thoughts and behaviors when you notice you are acting in a discriminatory way. Peacefully protest when you see injustice. 

Naked Truth 

Racism continues to have incredibly negative consequences on the psychological, physical, and spiritual health of the oppressed. Although changing culture is a massive task, it starts with each of us being willing to dismantle systems of oppression and our role in maintaining them. It starts with honest self-examination and a willingness to see some ugly truths that need to change—in our own minds, community, country, and world.


Our world, community, and country is full of stereotypes we need  to bring a change in our society. As we discussed, unconscious racism or bias is nothing intentionally; it just happened because we are fixed to it. Change yourself by learning and exploring.

