Why do global politics influence each countries separately?

The term "global politics," also referred to as "world politics, "refers to both the academic field that investigates the global political and economic structures as well as the field itself. The various political globalisation processes in relation to issues of social power are at the centre of that field.Some claim that global politics is different from international politics, which is typically thought of as a subfield of international relations because it "does not emphasise the centrality of intergovernmental relations and transactions. "However, authors and political scientists have not always adhered to this difference, frequently referring to global politics as "international politics."

Globalization has played a significant role in driving progress and prosperity throughout the world in many countries. It has made it possible for industrialised nations to rely on exports to increase their capacity for growth. Additionally, it has aided emerging nations in reducing poverty and diversifying their economies.

Through a global perspective, which focuses on the primary conflicting factors at the domestic and international level, many situations appear to be best comprehended. Only when examined through this global lens can the majority of economic and political quandaries truly comprehended

Globalization has had many positive and negative effects on politics, including an increase in the power and freedom of nations, groups, and non-governmental parties, the expansion of new political cultures, a waning of the role and hegemony of states in the unlawful control of nations, and change and redefinition.

Political globalisation and nation states are the subject of a contentious discussion. Political globalisation raises the question of whether it portends the demise of the nation-state. According to hyper globalists, state borders are starting to become less important as a result of how thoroughly globalisation has permeated today's globe. Skeptics, who maintain that the nationstate is still the primary actor in international relations, see this as foolish.

Many fields in the social sciences and humanities are relevant to global politics. By putting abstract political concepts in the context of real-world examples and case studies, it aids students in understanding them. It also encourages comparisons between these examples and case studies to ensure a global perspective.

Thus, global politics influences many countries individually for there growth and development.

