Families are idolatry of duty

The word "idolatry" means to worship something, or to have a devotion to something. Families are one of the most important things in life, so it is not surprising that families can be considered an idolatry of duty.

The love between family members helps them get through many difficult times and makes them better people overall. In this way, families provide us with a great deal of support and love over the years.

Because families provide us with so much love, they become an idolatry of duty.

The word "idol" comes from the Greek  (hieros), which means "sacred images." The root of this word has to do with a statue, which is made to look like a human being. 

The idolatry of duty is when a person's work becomes more important than their relationship with their family and friends.

The Bible says that we have a duty to honour our parents and grandparents by living as they taught us to live: "Honour your father and mother" The Bible also says that we have a duty to respect our neighbours by doing what they ask of us: "Love your neighbour as yourself".

It is the world's most powerful network of love and support, but it can also be a source of oppression and control. Families can be a source of strength, or they can be a source of weakness. They provide us with safety and security in our lives, or they can lead us down the path to unhappiness, addiction, and even death.

The question isn't whether families are good or bad, but rather how they work within each individual's life. After all, no matter what kind of family you have whether it's a nuclear family with two moms and two dads who live together but don't have kids, a gay couple raising their child together, or simply a single mom living alone the people who live within that structure are still individuals with their own unique personalities and needs. Families are made up of individuals and not just two parents married at some point in time (or not married at all), but also grandparents raising children from different generations together in one home.

Families are one of the most important things in your life. They're also a lot of work! But what if we told you that, by working together, they could be more than just an idol of duty? What if we told you that they could be an idol of love?

When you're working together as a family, you have to make sacrifices and compromises to stay together and keep everyone healthy. But sometimes those sacrifices are hard to see and they might not seem like they're helping anyone but the people who are actually being sacrificed. Or maybe it's just not what you expected from this idol of duty when you grew up.

But let's get real no matter how long it takes or how many times it hurts, family is worth it. It's worth all the sacrifices, all the hurt feelings, because no matter how many times we break down or don't show up for each other at times when we need it most, there is nothing else that can compare with our families and nothing else will ever replace them for us.

We have a responsibility towards our family, and that includes loving them, helping them when they need it, and supporting each other through all of life's ups and downs.

We all have different ways of working together as a family unit. Some people might prefer to work more independently, while others may want to collaborate more often. But regardless of the way we choose to work together with our families, there is always room for improvement. 

