Generation X and global leaders

The generation that is quickly entering corporate leadership roles is the generation that grew up playing video games, spending more time shopping online and using social media more than any other generation. Else. If you consider them millennials, it may be because they have dominated media attention over the past decade. But that’s really Generation X, which includes people born between 1965 and 1981 by our definition.

Who are Generation X leaders? 

The term “Generation X,” despite some publications using slightly different ranges, is widely used to refer to the generation of Americans born between 1965 and 1980. Because it follows the well-known baby boomer generation and comes before the millennial generation, this generation has occasionally been referred to as the “middle child.”

However, the majority of world positions are held globally by members of the Gen X generation, or people born between 1965 and 1981. The average amount of work experience for Gen X leaders is about 20 years. In next ten years will see them prepared to fill almost all senior executive positions.

What are the gen Xers known for?

With the emergence of Generation X, the typical family began to take on a slightly different appearance due to more working mothers and an increase in divorce rates. More latchkey youngsters as a result of this (i.e., children hanging out at home without grown-up supervision after school until a parent came back from work). For these reasons, one of Generation X’s most distinctive characteristics is self-reliance, along with the associated capacity to remain above the fray.

