How popularity destroys a person's character?

How do you define popularity?

Well according to me,

Popularity is defined as something which provides you with fame and sometimes even with monitory benefits.

How it affects one's life?

When you gain popularity ,as it brings fame and monitory benefits ,it also comes with great responsibilities .You have to maintain the same level of status/fame / popularity  in order to continue enjoying the benefits you have got due to popularity.

Many people at this stage stop thinking from their conscious mind. They lose interest in hard work and creativity. They start being lazy and fall for anything which brings them monitory benefits and fame.

Many people indulge in illegal activities to make more money. We get to hear a lot of news like people indulging in activities such as human trafficking , drug related ,black money (currencies) of  other countries, etc related cases.

Not every people become like this but  in most of the cases , people lose their  moral ethics , loose their self control in order to make more money and gain popularity hence they loose their character.

Becoming a popular  personality, it  becomes as addictive as drug to many people .They couldn't stay peaceful and always be stressed as they are always thinking about how to become more popular and earn more money.


Anything that brings you money and popularity ,it  even gets you  responsibilities. We have to be in our conscious mind and do what's right rather than falling for fake fame and lose ourself and our character.

