Is the media really biased?

 What does the term Media Bias mean?

Different media houses have a different set of audience. Most news telecasted on these channels depends on the type of audience they cater to. Media bias is unjust favoritism and reporting of current issues and ideas through a biased lens. We can see media bias in the ways the innumerable news channels in our country pay attention to different media and forms of news. Media bias often leads to stereotyping as it is a form of mass communication. 

Is the media really biased? 

The answer to this question in most cases would be yes. Different media is perceived differently by each individual,  but newshouses exploit this freedom. You may listen to a news story and think it sounds one-sided. Maybe the reporter didn't even report the important aspects of the news and strayed further away from the main topic. 

Explaining this with an example would be, when Hurricane Katrina struck, there were two sets of photos taken. The people in the photo were two men, one white and one black. The way these two people were reported was extremely different. The white person was reported as "finding food for survival" whereas for the black man, he was reported to be "looting" the grocery store. 

This inherent bias in the media is something we come across everyday.  News houses may be paid illegally to report news in favor of one party. Commercial media is greatly biased as big corporations may influence what kind of news is being produced. News we see and hear is not always transparent. 

